







*豆知识:事实上所有的DC漫画都是Graphic Novel(视觉文学)



“Batman and Son”
- Batman 655-658, 665

“Batman Reborn”
- Batman and Robin 1-6

“Batman vs. Robin”
- Batman and Robin 7-12

“Batman and Robin Must Die!”
- Batman and Robin 13-16 & Batman: The Return #1

“The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul”
- Batman Annual 26, Robin Annual 7, Batman 670-671, Robin 168-169, Nightwing 138-139, Detective Comics 838-839

“Batman & Robin: Dark Knight Vs. White Knight”
- Batman and Robin 17-25

“Earthly Delights Scenes from a Work in Progress”
- Batman and Robin 26

“Batgirl Rising”

- Batgirl v.3 5-7

“Frogs, Snails & Puppy-Dog Tails…”
- Batgirl v.3 17

“Hush Money”
- Batman: Streets of Gotham 1-4


- Batman: Streets of Gotham 5-11

“The Carpenter's Tale, Part 1 of 2”

- Batman: Streets of Gotham 12

“The Hit List, Part II - The Devil you know”

- Red Robin 14

“Team Building”

- Teen Titans 88-92

  "The Legend of the Batman"

- Batman #666 (成年蝙蝠米,虐死一代厨)


“Born to Kill”
- Batman and Robin v.2 1-6

- Batman and Robin v.2 7-14

 "Death of the family"

- Batman and Robin v.2 15-17

  "Leviathan Strikes!"

- Batman Inc. #1,2 (大米在回忆杀里), 3, 0, 4 - 8

 "Requiem for Damian"

- Batman and Robin v.2 18-23

 "The Big Burn"

- Batman and Robin v.2 24 - 28, Batman and Robin Annual #2

 "The Hunt for Robin"

- Batman and Robin v.2 29 - 34, Robin Rises: Omega #1

 "Robin Rises"

- Batman and Robin v.2 #35-40, Robin Rises: Alpha #1, Batman and Robin Annual #3, Batman and Robin: Futures End #1, Secret Origins #4

 "Year of Blood"

- Robin: Son of Batman #1 - 6, Convergence: World's Finest Comics #2


- Robin: Son of Batman #7 - 13 (连载中,现出版至#10)

 "Robin War"

- Robin War #1-2, Grayson #15, Detective Comics #47, We are Robin #7, Robin: Son of Batman #7, Gotham Academy #13, Red Hood/Arsenal #7, Teen Titans #5

 "Damian: Son of Batman"

- Damian: Son of Batman #1-4 



- Batman: Li'l Gotham #1-3, 6-7, 9-12 (讲真小小哥谭简直一片圣域,请务必阅读)

- Batman 687, 688, 693-697 (龙套), 700(非常有爱请阅读), 703, 704 (龙套), 706 (龙套), 711 (大龙套), 713

- Batman 80-Page Giant (2010) “Gotham Freezes Over!” (第一个故事“Fire and Ice”)

- Batman: Annual #27/Batman Detective Comics Annual #11

- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #48 (大米和瑟莉娜的猫我有义务放图)

- Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1-3

- Batman: Blackest Night 1-3

- Batman: Gates of Gotham #1-5(这个真的可以不用看除非你是米黑需要消遣,Synder出品品质保证)

- Batman: The Return

- Batman Incorporated #6 (龙套)

- Booster Gold Vol.2 #25 (龙套)

- Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batman and Robin

- DCU Halloween Special 2009 (“Cavity Search”), 2010 (“Robin the Vampire Slayer”)

- Justice League of America Vol. 2 #41

- Red Robin 1 (龙套), 11-12 (大龙套), 13-14, 15 (龙套), 20 (大龙套)

- Supergirl #61-64

- Superman/Batman #75(成年蝙蝠米最后2P), 77 (大米捆绑play就是这里,米厨们的小棉袄)

- Teen Titans #88-92, 99 (最后1P)-100 (龙套)

- World's Finest Vol. #4

- Justice League: Generation Lost #14

- Tiny Titans #33, 39, 45, 47 (深井冰小系列)


- Batman Annual #1

- Batman #1(龙套), 5(龙套), 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20(Synder预警,镇魂歌联动系列的18-20厨们可以吃,爱很少注意)

- Batman: The Dark Knight #2, 10, 14-15

- Batwing #6(最后一页) - 8

- Detective Comics #14,#18(伪镇魂歌联动,提及)

- Hawk and Dove #6

- Nightwing #11, 17-18(镇魂歌联动)

- Red Hood and the Outlaws #17

- World's Finest # 6-7

- Batman Inc #9 - 10 (镇魂歌联动)

- Justice League #19 (镇魂歌联动)

- Teen Titans #18 (镇魂歌联动) 

- World's Finest #10 (镇魂歌联动)

- Greyson #12 (大米翻着跟头扑到迪克怀里)

- Batman and Robin Eternal #19(最后一页壮汉版注意),#21 - 26(后5刊都龙套得神一般还被扒了罗宾title)讲真不得不说一句,这个系列是我看过的B&R系列里最没诚意的一部没有之一,不是为了midnighter我不会看,也在我的黑名单上删除线是给我自己的。




- Batgirl #15 (他就是一张照片), 24

- Batman #686 

- Batman: Streets of Gotham #5, 15(又是照片米), 17

- Black Canary Vol. 3 #2

- Brightest Day #23

- Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batgirl

- Countdown to Final Crisis #48(龙套) 

- Detective Comics 840

- Justice League of America Vol. 2 #55, 59

- Outsiders Vol. 4 #21

- Red Robin #26

- Secret Six Vol. 3 #36

- Superboy Vol. 5 #5


- Batman: Son of the Demon (平行世界,大米刚出生就被送到孤儿院后来被领养,姓名不详)

- Kingdom Come #2 (Ibn al Xu'ffasch球22版成年米,迎娶夜星喜当爹)

- Injustice: Gods Among Us #10(龙套),11(大龙套),14-16,Y5 #14-15 (大米疑似准备洗白)




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